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About Us

GQIS is a grant-in-aid institution and approved by the Scientific and Technical Education Development Council (STED), New Delhi. GQIS got autonomous status from Mahatma Group of Institutions.  It has been accredited by WHRDE.  Currently, GQIS offers 5 Advanced Diploma Programmes and 8 Certification Programmes.  Faculty has been the main strength of GQIS.  They impart their vast knowledge to the students by using conventional methods of teaching-learning process as well as contemporary ones. To enrich research and consultancy activities, 4 Centres of Excellence have been set up in collaboration with Industries and Alumni.  These Centres provide opportunities for students to fine tune their skills to the expectation of industries and offer consultancy services.  The sports and cultural activities at GQIS have been a high point of campus life, GQIS thus provides the right ambience for all round development of the students coupled with Academic rigor.