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Course Features

Advance Diploma in Offshore Engineering & Rope access training
6 month

Post Graduate Diploma in Oil & gas Engineering
6 month

Advanced Diploma in Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering
6 month

Certification in Oil & Gas Operation & Technology
3 month

Certification in Drilling Technology
3 month


Oil and gas technology refer to the various tools, techniques, and equipment used in the exploration, drilling, production, processing, and transportation of oil and gas resources.

Exploration and drilling involve the use of geophysical techniques such as seismic surveys to locate underground oil and gas reservoirs. Drilling rigs, which can be land-based or offshore, are used to drill wells and extract the oil and gas from the reservoirs.

Production technology involves the use of various techniques to increase the yield of oil and gas from a well. This includes hydraulic fracturing (also known as "fracking"), which involves injecting high-pressure fluids into the well to release trapped gas or oil.

Processing technology is used to separate and refine crude oil and natural gas into usable products. This includes various techniques such as distillation, cracking, and hydrogenation.

Transportation technology is used to move oil and gas from the production site to refineries or to other locations. This includes pipelines, tanker trucks, and rail cars.

In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on developing technologies that improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact. For example, advanced drilling techniques, such as directional drilling, reduce the need for multiple wells, while new technologies for capturing and storing carbon dioxide emissions from power plants and industrial facilities are being developed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Overall, oil and gas technology is a vital component of the global energy industry and plays a crucial role in meeting the world's growing energy demands.